The Teeball season runs from October to March, with a break over the Christmas holiday period.
At Kalamunda Rangers, we don’t play for a premiership title and having as even a competition as possible helps all our players develop. We also be believe that players develop new and improved skills by being exposed to different coaches and players each season, so teams are generally reformed each year. The committee will generally place players into teams with consideration to things like age, previous experience and skills.
Age groups for each competition are determined each year depending on registration numbers in each age group, although generally we form divisions of Subjunior (for players who are in Kindy or already aged 4 at the start of the season), Juniors (for players in Preprimary and Year 1), Intermediate (players in Year 2 and 3), and Seniors (players in Year 4, 5 and 6).
The Club will provide all players with a team uniform shirt at the start of the season. New players will also receive a club hat as part of their registration fees. Parents are to supply their child with a Teeball glove and playing pants and the club can help you source these. All other equipment for training and games is provided by the Club, although some players like to use their own bats and helmets and parents are welcome to purchase these.
Players generally attend a training session one afternoon through the week for approximately an hour (excluding our Subjunior division) and the team coach will work out the best day, time and location for everyone. The game itself lasts for one hour on a Saturday morning and are all played at Maida Vale Reserve. Parent help is required at both training and the games so that the teams can run efficiently – and kids enjoy sport more when Mum or Dad are involved.
Parent help is required for duties such as coaching, team manager, scoring,umpiring and base coaching. In addition to helping out in your child’s team, throughout the season your child’s team will also be required to fill a few other duties, like canteen duties, to help the Club out and to keep our fees as low as possible.

Players wanting a challenge are encouraged to try out for our State Championship teams.
The Teeball State Championships are held over the long weekend in March each year. Teams play two games each on Saturday and Sunday with one game on Monday followed by the presentation ceremony. In addition there are several carnivals leading up to the State Championships run by Teeball clubs throughout the metropolitan and country areas which provide the opportunity for teams to challenge themselves and experience matches against some of the competitors they will meet at the Championship weekend.
Players interested in trying out for the Kalamunda Rangers Interdistrict Teams to go to State Championships must complete a nomination form and attend both tryout sessions. Selection is made with consideration to many factors, not just skill. Things like attitude, ability to follow instructions and an awareness of what is going on around you on the diamond are just as important. If you are successful, players will be required to attend additional training sessions and this may require some negotiation between your Teeball coaches or other sporting commitments. Successful players will also have an additional fee to pay. Additional information is available and your nomination forms must be returned to the State Championships coordinator before the first trial date. Good luck!
Lightning carnivals are great fun and our players love participating in them. This opportunity is not generally available to all Saturday club teams but here at Kalamunda Rangers we make this part of our program. One Saturday in November we arrange a Lightning Carnival for our three older divisions (subjuniors play one normal Saturday game).
Twilight Games are held two or three times per season, usually on a Friday night (Thursday before Christmas). Players and families can order pizza in (we arrange a bulk order and delivery) and then sit on our main diamond and watch a family movie.
Rookieball is part of our development program and runs during the last two to three weeks of the season for our Intermediate and Senior divisions. This is an opportunity for players to learn the next step in diamond sports – hitting a moving ball. The Catcher also takes on a more traditional role in Rookieball.
Dual Registration can be provided to players who would like to participate in both Teeball and Baseball (Machine Pitch or Little League). Players should note, however, that the date used for calculating player age groups in Baseball is different to that for Teeball, so you may not be playing in the same divisions.